Anniversary of the first deportation transport of Slovak Jews to KL Auschwitz

Commemorative stone with inscription of hope

For many people, 26 March has a special meaning. Unfortunately, there is talk of a very unpleasant meaning. 81 years ago, the worst nightmare that could ever happen to many people began. The Jewish community in particular remembers this. 81st anniversary 81st anniversary of the first deportation transport of Slovak Jews to KL Auschwitz. On […]

SS canteen in the sub-camps


The existence of a canteen does not seem to be anything special. In fact, even this place reveals many secrets that we want to share with the world. Some things have to be seen with our own eyes. What we are able to tell you is just a small glimpse of the events that took […]

What were the sub-camps?

Sub-camps map

Surely you have already heard of such a thing as sub-camps. What were they actually? The main area of Auschwitz hides a horrifying history. Unfortunately, it also took place outside this camp area. The sites were interconnected, but what took place in the sub-camps is only now coming to light. Sub-camps – what were they? […]

Auschwitz outside the barbed wire

Ruins at Auschwitz

What Auschwitz was is more or less familiar to anyone who has heard of the Holocaust. Few know how the city functioned outside the camp grounds. To this day, many issues remain a mystery. It is only now that we are discovering what went on in the areas outside the barbed wire. Auschitz-Birkenau and Auschwitz […]